Monday, December 24, 2018

For God so Loved the World

For God so Loved  the World...(John 3:16a)

The Christmas rush is over and we step into the 12 days of Christmas leading to Epiphany and the celebration of who Jesus really is.  The Wise Men saw the star.  The shepherds heard the angels sing. Mary and Joseph held Him and knew that God is love.   And we see, and hear, and know, and hold God's love in different ways during the different seasons of our lives.

God's love is sacrificial and we know it because of how a mother hen puts herself in harms way for her babies.

God's love is blind - not based on what we do or how we look, but who we are - and know it through the words of my wife. Her love is proof perfect that Love is, indeed, blind...


My Love,

Wouldn't you know that I prefer the unpaved, un-marked  paths? I prefer them because treasures are found among their borders. Wild flowers without scientific names grow freely along their ditches, animals cross them without fear, and an occasional footprint can be found belonging to another lover of un-marked paths. This is where I found you, my restless wanderer - always looking for adventure, for a quiet place to release your Spirit. How blessed I am to have found your gentle footprint - How joyful is this live with love.

Soon, there will be three of us. Soon there will be Saturday morning cartoons and monsters in the closet. soon there will be a tiny set of footprints on the un-marked path we journey. May the seasons be the only thing that change it so that it may forever be enjoyed by the wandering lovers of this world. I would go anywhere with you. For where you are beautiful things appear, where you walk, wild flowers grow, and where you laugh all is made well.

I pray you will always be free to wonder my restless Cowboy. It's on of the million things I love about you - 

No matter who we are or what we have done, God loves us like this.  It is unconditional and it is forever.  There are twelve days of Christmas because one day would not be enough to take it all in.  So let us leave the tree up if we can and don't put the Nativity set away, not yet.  Let us see, hear, hold, read and know that God is love!

Church stopping. Less doing. More being.


  1. Geoff: I read your words on the upper room page and have now followed you to your blog. Thank you for sharing your personal life with all of us. I loved the love letter. So beautiful and touching. I will now look at the next 12 days in a different way and keep my nativities up too! Have a Blessed day! JM

  2. Thank you so much, Joan, for your encouraging words. Blessings to you and yours in the New Year!
