Monday, October 19, 2020

Ravens, Ants, and the Unemployment Line

 If you look closely at our family's gathering of gourds, you might recognize Chewabacca/Rafiki, Woodstock, and Larry additon to your standard Jack-O-Lantern and creepy cat!

"Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; yet God feeds them: how much more valuable are you than the birds!" - Luke 12:24

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer or ruler, provides her meat in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest."

Perhaps the most terrifying hour in the day is dusk, when we see the light receding and we are faced with looming darkness.  Like so many across the globe during these dark times, I find myself at dusk facing the additional darkness of losing my job.

It has been a time when I must lean on the promises of God. Surely, a God who has brought me this far...through serious injury, illness, grief, and disappointment, will also see me through this present darkness.  I am not always able to do that, however, on my sucurely on the promises of God. And when I can't see the way forward, I lean on the faith of those around me who speak those words of encouragement I long to hear, "God has this."  "You will be okay."  And of course, my favorite, "You are an amazing person and somebody will be very fortunate to have you."

I don't always feel amazing, though. It is easy to doubt and it easy to despair when I have had two interviews with no job offers in seven months.  It is easy to be afraid as I sit across from my wife and three growing boys and watch with amazement at the volume of food that they eat and then marvel at the carefree way that they move through life.

For most of my adult life I have been the ant. Not a raven.  I have performed my duties faithfully and never wanted for anything to eat.  At the same time, I also know that my well-being is not ultimately dependent on my labor but on the providence of God.  Children, like ravens, are an important reminder of the One who is in control.  

So, this week, I am taking a break from the job search and I am not searching. I am not looking at Indeed, or pestering my, "network."  As much as I can, I am going to trust in the Lord of Ravens and Ants that has brought me this far, through thick and thin, floods and droughts, health and sickness, and joys and sadness.

I don't know what God has in mind as dusk gives way to darkness.  But I believe that God is with me and leading me through this valley even when I can't see Him. And I believe that in middle of the darkness it will be easier to see God's light and then it won't be so scary.   Until then, thank you for your prayers and thank you for reminding me of the promises of God and thank you for reminding me (and those around you that may be going through their own valleys) that I am amazing and that God does have this!

Chruch Stopping. Less Doing. More Being.