Monday, January 11, 2016

Time Away

The Inn at Glenstrae
Wichita, Kansas

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31)

Jesus was speaking to his disciples after a particularly busy season of teaching and ministry, however he could have just as easily spoken these words to my wife today.  She is a minister, a mother, a chicken farmer, a sheetrocker, and a horticulturist...not to mention baker, chef, event planner, and chauffeur.  There are so many people coming and going..and she is always coming and going...that she seldom has a chance to eat.  

So I sent her away.

Well, I am only partially responsible.  You see, I sent her to a bed and breakfast where she had performed a wedding a couple of years ago.  For her services as officiant, she received a one-night stay for two.  The problem has been that there are five of us and the boys aren't quite old enough to be home alone.  So I sent her away, by herself. No children. No laundry. No cooking. No ministry. I understand that it was her work that made the rest possible, but it was my insistence that made her go.  For one night and for one morning, I would be chauffeur, baker, and chicken farmer. I promised that the boys would go to school fed and fully dressed.  I couldn't guarantee brushed teeth or combed hair...but I assured her, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they would be wearing pants when they got on the bus.

The children were nervous.

And, at first, the couple that runs the bed and breakfast didn't understand. "You aren't staying with us?" They were use to romantic retreats.  I told them that this was romantic. What could be more romantic? I told them that this was a retreat for her...time to reconnect with who she is and who God created her to be. No children. No chickens. No trips to the store or to the kitchen.  Not this night. Instead, she listened to some special music, relaxed in a beautiful room, and worked on some projects that filled her up.

Jesus was there. 

And he is is there for us, not begging us to come or demanding us to go, but inviting us away and giving us permission to rest; to leave all those things...those good, good things...behind; to go to a quiet place and eat.

The question for us as individuals and as churches is not whether or not the invitation exists, but whether the faith exists that is required to let go and let our spouse take care of the children and let our Heavenly Father take care of his...and go, to a quiet place, get some rest, and be filled.

Church Stopping. Less doing. More being.

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