Friday, August 28, 2015

Ripple Effect

"But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy." (Isaiah 65:18) 

Somebody once compared the lives that many of us lead to a stone skipping across a pond. "We spin round and round, skipping across the surface from one spot to another until we finally run out of steam, and sink.  Our lives," he went on, "should be more like children in the midst of a cannon ball; enrapt in joy, plunging completely and safely in to the love and grace of God and from that center, divine, joy-soaked ripples move out into all areas of our lives and into the world around us."

For the last year, I've shared our family's attempt to embrace the joy at the heart of God through the intentional practice of Sabbath.  We certainly haven't perfected the art of Sabbath-celebration, but we have made a start at stopping and a plunge into joy.  On Friday nights, one of our boys will usually ask, "What are we doing for Sabbath this week?"  It has become part of our family routine and it will be interesting to see how it plays out over the course of this next year.

It will also be interesting to see the ripple effects of this cannon ball emanating into the rest of our lives.

How will our personal practice of Sabbath affect our daily routines such as school, and work, and church?  Can we let go of our schoolwork just as readily as we let go of our housework? Will the work get done if we walk away from our job just as it did when we walked away from our lawn? Can our willingness to take a break from church work be as strong a witness as our great deeds of service?

The answer, I believe, is, "Yes!"  But don't take my word for it.

In the next several weeks, I will be highlighting some businesses and some churches that have dared to make Sabbath an important part of their business models and mission statements.  You've heard of some. (eg. Chick fil A, Hobby Lobby) You probably haven't heard of others. (Bethesda Covenant Church, Ed Catmull). Every story is different. Every story is inspiring.  And perhaps in hearing them, we will be encouraged to take the plunge ourselves.  And in taking that plunge, our world will be rocked by more and more of those divine ripples...white-capped reminders of a joyous God who not only rejoices in what is created, but creates it for joy.

Church Stopping. Less Doing. More Being.

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