Sunday, January 12, 2014

Congregational Sabbath: Frequently Asked Questions

Just the FAQs about Congregational Sabbath:

1.  What would happen to our church if we stopped?
A: The real question lurking here is often, "Will our church survive financially?"  The answer is, "Yes." If you are actually coming to a complete stop, the church building could be rented to another congregation.  If you are simply simplifying by suspending programs and ministries, you just may experience a revival.  Remember, the Lord has promised to provide.  (Lev. 25:22, Luke 12:22-34)

2. What if I love serving?
A: Great!  However, if you stop serving for a season, you might even be able to use that time to learn something new.  Remember, it is okay to be served.  You will come back to your ministry refreshed and reminded of who it is you are really serving. (Luke 10:38-42)

3. If we don't do it, who will?
A: The world doesn't need another savior and God's work does not depend on ours.  God invites us to participate, but not carry. (Acts 8:26-38) God has the resources to care for all of His creation.

4. What if we lose members?
A. You might. But you might also gain members. How attractive would a place of rest and simplicity be to a stressed out and sleep-deprived world? The bigger question is Who is responsible for adding numbers? (Acts 2:47b)

5. Our church is doing so well. What if we lose momentum?
A: It is easy to assume that success means God's favor. This isn't necessarily the case.  (Rev. 3:17)

6. Will I miss my friends?
A: You can always meet with your friends. Call them on the phone. Get together for coffee and fellowship. Attend worship together and listen to our God speak to you in a different way. (Proverbs 27:17)

7. How do we pay staff?
A. If Sabbath is less than a month, have staff use vacation pay. (1 Timothy 5:18)
A. If Sabbath is more than a month, pray about providing sabbatical pay. (Leviticus 25:6)
A. Staff might also seek temporary outside pay. Paul was a tent maker. Jesus was a carpenter and occasional zymurgist. (Acts 18:3, John 2:9)

8. Okay, but what will we do during congregational sabbath?
A. Meet in your homes. (Acts 2:46)
A. Go to another worship at a different church Hebrews 10:24-25)
A. Go on a Spiritual Journey. (Deuteronomy 14:22-23)

Less doing. More being.

Photo from #1005079

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