Sunday, June 30, 2024

Holy Ground...and a Jeep Comanche


"When I consider the heavens the work of your fingers...what is man that you are mindful of made him a little lower than gods, and crowned him with glory and honor." - Psalm 8:3a,4a, and 5

Here is a picture of Will and my Jeep Comanche, circa 2009 and 1992, respectively. Both, a little lower than gods.


This morning, before church, my wife and I were up before the boys in our Sunday Soubhiye.  We were doing a listening prayer together, inviting the Lord to meet us where we were and speak to us the word we needed to hear. 

I have been skeptical in the past when doing these, "mindful" exercises. "Where do you feel the burden?" They ask. "Where do you feel the weight of your soul meeting the crushing weight of the world?"  They say. And that's about the time I tap out...or as our son, Will, would say, "Dip."

But this morning, I felt my feet. Usually, I try to ignore my feet. 

They have taken some wear and tear over the years. Feet in general, and my feet in particular, are unlikely things for me to think about on my own, so I began to pay attention. Then, it hit was like the Lord transformed our living room floor into holy ground.  Not the Sinai desert, and no burning bush was to be found, but the Lord reminded me, in that moment, that all of creation is indwelled by His presence. I felt it on my forlorn feet.

But I was also reminded of the, "holy" part of holy ground. The other-worldly and mind-boggling immensity of God that is beyond human capacity to fathom.

This juxtaposition of words that we say so nonchalantly, "Holy Ground," is actually a portrait of the two-fold nature of a God who is as close as the ground where we plant our feet, but also the creator of that ground.  The same God who fashioned Adam out of red dirt and breathed into him the life-giving Spirit is the same God that reminded me that He is both closer than I can comprehend and bigger than I can imagine. 

And in that moment, I couldn't help but think of Moses the age of 80 years old, experienced God doing a new thing in his life. It feels like that for me now...God is moving. I know, God is always moving, but there is this unsettledness now; an awareness that God is about to do a new thing, or reveal to me a new thing that will show me how he has been moving all along.

In some way, that brings me back to my old truck and our youngest son. It is fun to dream about both the things I would like to do to the truck (33 inch tires, stroked engine rebuild, 6 inches of lift, etc) and what God is doing in our youngest son who is in the early stages of discovering who God created him to be. (teacher, coach, NBA basketball player, etc). 

So, here's to the journey and the assurance that even if we don't know exactly what we are doing or where we are going, the Lord is with us...indeed, he has been leading us the whole time.

                                            Church Stopping. Less Doing. More Being.

Recently Finished"Journey to the Center of the Earth," Jules Verne (Fun excursion to the middle of the earth.)
What am I reading"Simply Christian" by NT Wright (I have not read Wright before.  Now, to "Wright" that wrong!)
On My List: "How Than, Shall we Live" by Frances Shaffer (recommended by a colleague at work.)
Recent movie: When the Game Stands Tall. (Football and based on a true story. Good show and good message for today.)
Recent song"Unwritten," by Natasha Bedingfield ("Sometimes my tries are outside the lines" Boom!)

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