Sunday, July 21, 2024

Transcendence and Credentialing


"I am sure of this, that the One who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day                                                               of Jesus." - Philippians 1:6
           Here is a picture of some bread that my wife made today. Yes. You can be jealous.


My wife has recently started making sourdough bread. She feeds the starter every morning. She makes the dough, and then she "burps" it to let out some of the built-up gasses. She will put it into the oven later in the day. The whole time, the yeast is at work transforming flour and water into something completely different...something better. Something new. 

Making bread is a lot like life. It takes time. You can't rush it.  It needs to be fed every morning. There are times when we need to be, "burped" and let go of things we have been holding on to.  But God is at work the whole time making something completely different, and...if we wait...something better. Something new! 

For the last three years, I have been working in medical administration after spending over a decade in full-time ministry.  At times I have felt stuck, but now I realize that God has been at work this whole time. God, in this season, has been helping me to release those things that I have been holding on to; things I should have let go a long time ago. Yes, God is at work, making something new...something more than flour and water.

I don't know what is next. But because of these last three years, three difficult years at work and at home, I have a better idea of who God is. He is at work and His work is not done. Furthermore, because of these last three years, I have a better idea of who He created me to be. I am excited about the future because I am convinced that the one who began a good work in me, the same God who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus; something better. Something new!

                                            Church Stopping. Less Doing. More Being.

Recently Finished"Living Fearless," Jamie Winship (God still speaks!)
What am I reading"Simply Christian" by NT Wright (I hope to finish this week
On My List: "How Than, Shall we Live" by Frances Shaffer (recommended by a colleague at work.)
Recent movieLatest episode of, "The Chosen." (This was a tear-jerker!)
Recent song"If I Could Walk on Water" by Eddie Money (Eddie has so many great songs. I am not sure this one had the play it should have...So good!)